Tuesday, March 31, 2009


1. How can the presence or absence of natural resources and arable land affect a nation’s economy, regardless of the type of economic system?
If the natural resources wouldn’t be present the country will be really poor because the country needs to produce things so people of other countries buy them their products also what would happen to the people that they would be starving because they would have neither food nor vegetables. Also the economic problems would be really big because if a person has a house and they don’t have enough money to pay their electricity or water they would have to sell the house so they get the money to pay the bills. And the country would have problems to because if they want to bring doctors from other countries they couldn’t pay them….
2. How can life expectancy and literacy rates affect the quality of labor in the economy?
If people die earlier they wouldn’t get that much chance to learn more about their job… if people were illiterate they wouldn’t really get good jobs they would just work on a grocery store but they would be packing the food… and they wouldn’t win that much money… also the people who have a good education they would have good jobs and they would get a lot of money… and later they would get expert in the job….
3. How can GDP per capita and poverty rates indicate standards of living in each system?
In Chad the people live no that long because they don’t have clean water or food so they get diesis and they die in North Korea and the United States, has a lot of money and they would have better sanitation in the country… and the people would lie longer if they have good sanitation…
4. How can the size of the industrial/service sector and the agriculture employment rate indicate the level of industrialization?
In most of the countries people do more industrialization instead of agriculture because the people produce more products, in agriculture it would be much harder for the people because if the temperatures raise to a high level the land would be dried and the people cannot plant vegetables…

5. How can electricity, communication, and transportation facilities indicate the potential for industrial growth?
It would help the industrial growth because these people who bring our facilities like to transportation, it would be increasing because the people who work in these companies would buy more of the buses and later the number of buses will increase… also like with the petroleum if you have a lot of buses in a country you will need fuel so they can work.

6. Considering the lack of natural resources, the labor problems, and the lack of capital and little industrialization of developing countries, how can developing countries develop? (Hint: Look at Economy - Overview for Chad).
In Chad it’s not a well developed country it has problems with the sanitation of the country… they produce a lot in agriculture, these country has a lot of influence in agriculture than in industries, in Chad they cannot afford money so they can buy industries like making : Clothes, shoes. Etc…

Market-oriented and command nations tend to place different priorities on the role of government in the economy, with the government sector generally playing a larger role in command nations. Given their resources, market-oriented and command nations can choose to focus on increased industrialization and expansion into new markets. Developing nations, however, often lack resources necessary for industrialization and must seek aid or investment from industrialized economies in order to grow. With increased globalization, we are becoming more acutely aware of the interdependence of all nations in our world economy.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Corpration (Movie)


I think this movie is making us realize how bad and good stuff the corporations have… For example factories lock up the works so they get focused on theier work and that’s really cruel because they get to stay there for 12 hours just working not even eating or drinking water… These corporations prefer countries that have free taxes also that mean they really don’t pay taxes and they don’t pay their workers fairly… These means that they are leading the country to be really poor… And the people who noticed that the companies leave their workers locked they will tell everyone and they wont buy their stuff and that leads the companies to a broke…

Globalization Quest

Introduction to Globalization

1. What do most people think globalization is?

“The world thinks that they’re turning into some consumer colony of America like: Coke, MacDonald’s, CNN, Levi’s, Nike’s, this hadn’t yet taken over the world…”

2. What is the real definition of globalization?

It could be the start of new products like Macdonald’s that is started in one place and the it is being spread all over the world…

3. How is “Bhangra pop” in India an example of globalization?

This sounds like it a mix from Jamaican Reggae and it’s mixed with Indian Instruments, and I think it a great example because it shows us how music of Jamaica influenced in India…

4. What is positive or good about globalization?

The good thing of Globalization is that stores that are really famous in one country later on this could be spreading around the world, also the same as culture, like: when Jamaican Reggae is mixed with Indian Instruments…

5. What is negative or bad about globalization?

• People use their money for useless things,
• People become dependent to buy things that don’t really need; due to globalization they end up feeling that they need,

6. What are indigenous people?

“Groups rooted to a particular place by history, legend, and language.”

7. What do linguists estimate is happening every two weeks due to globalization?

“Linguists estimate that every two weeks a language dies, taking with it unique ways of thinking, communicating, and living—and generations of irreplaceable knowledge.”

8. How did the images make you feel?

This pictures quite affects because thinking of us that we have modern houses clean food, but these people are suffering because for they don’t have clean water and that can produce Cholera and they don’t have any houses so they have to sleep in the cold floor…

9. What did the photographs teach you about indigenous people and/or globalization?

That the Indigenous people aren’t really wealthy as we are they also don’t really have good service or cloths to buy… and they live in places like in the forest or in the mountains and they don’t have electricity or cables so they have light…

10. In your opinion is globalization a good thing or a bad thing? Or some combination of the two? Explain.

I think is a combination of both because it has positive side and negative sides… because this factories that are around the world are polluting the world and I think they will take over the world…And these companies are abusing the peoples rights and they are not paying them fair enough…

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Letter to the U.N

Dear Honorable delegates,
I call to all members from the United Nations , to try and stop Genocide in Sudan…What you should do is send peace keeping troops so they can help to stabilize the country, Also you should tell the president Omar al-Bashir to respond peacefully to these African rebel groups, as the president of Sudan he can not help the militia, that would be against the Human Rights, also what you should to do is try to avoid contact with the militia and civilians in the country, also deny the exit of these groups out of the country, because they may be causing more destruction and could be increasing the sell of weapons and drugs, as we can se the government-supported known as Janjaweed militia is continuing to murder innocent civilians, burning villages, and drive the innocent people into the desert so they can die. The Janjaweed has also started bombing the city Darfur during air raids… Moreno Ocampo will present evidence of that the President Al-Bashir crimes of Genocide before the court. So you should try to stop this because if these keeps spreading out in the country someday it would be around the world, and that would be really bad because we would die unfairly, also try to convince the president to stop genocide in his country, also send aid to the people or built a refugee camp…. So people are safe from being killed by this militia, and so the militia should try to make a peace agreement with the president and the United Nations….

PD: Please try and do your best for stopping Genocide!!!!
Costanza Drago

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Genocide in Sudan

In Sudan there are people who want a piece of land, and these people are Farmers and Hurders, one groups wants to plant vegetables and fruits, and the Hurders want to put animals in this piece of land, and they way they are trying get this land is by fighting, President Omar al-Bashier is supporting the group Hurders and he is giving them money, guns, knifes etc... The Hurders are killing farmers and even innocent people that hadn't done anything wrong... This situation is really bad this can't keep going on because later on this problem would be getting worse and more people would get killed, i think this type of problems can't be resolved be violence, the President Omar al-Bashier is doing something really unfair, because he cannot support one group and not the other one... I say that the president should see how many people are being killed in his own country... I wish the United Nations could do something to stop Genocide around the world specially Sudan... I hope the people help to stop Genocide so i doesn't continue any more

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hotel Rwanda Reflection

What are the limitations of the U.N?
• They cannot shoot at people
• They can shoot but only when they are being attacked
• They can not take the people out of the country
• They can not get into a country
• If a resolution doesn’t pass they can’t do anything

Is it the world’s responsibility to stop Genocide?
Yes, because the world has to open their eyes and see what is happening in Rwanda and if they can they could help by sending money to the red cross and countries that are in U.N assembly please be aware of how many people are dying and how they are being tortured. Also send money to aid these aid these people in Rwanda. And also be aware that people in Rwanda would be really grateful about the help you are sending to them.

JMUN Reflection

What did I like about JMUN?
What made JMUN interesting was that we had the chance to debate our own ideas and give out opinions to our fellow delegates… also we had chance to know each other and discuss the topics that were important for this issue also we had chances to get allies with other countries… it was kind of hard to convince them, because we had different opinions for the problem… but we did a good job debating on our resolutions, and we had fun writing resolutions and debating them because we got the chance to speak our ideas about what we wrote. And I was kind of shy talking because I thought they were going to laugh at me, but later I felt confident that I had people who were giving me spirits so I could talk… and later I felt really comfortable and I spoke most of the time., and then we bombed Russia because we passed most of our resolution and they didn’t pass,

What did I disliked about JMUN?
What I disliked about JMUN was that the delegate of Russia, always talked about the same topic again and again, the bad thing was that he veto some of our clauses, and he also bribed us to allie with him, also that we have to wake up to early to go to JMUN and finish too late, because when I get home I am really tired ,also what I didn’t like was that some of the delegates didn’t speak and we couldn’t hear their opinion. Also we had to spend our break time on finish on our resolution… later we had to be like 1 hour debating our resolution and that was kind of annoying.

What would you do to prepare for next year?
I would write more about my conflict and I would have to study more about the Parliamentary Procedure, and I would try to speak more so I could have good grades, and practice more on the debates, about what do I have to say and the right questions to ask… also I would have to improve my a little my English so I can pronounce the hard words and also how to write them… also the delegates should speak louder so I can hear them and take notes about what there are saying…

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Speech For Delegates

Committee Name: Security Council
Issue: War in Afghanistan
Country: Costa Rica
Delegate: Costanza Drago
School: Colegio Internacional de Caracas

Honourable delegates and distinguished chair:

The delegation of Costa Rica believes that the War in Afghanistan is a very important issue to the Security Council. We think that the War in Afghanistan is leading to further disaster in the region. We believe this because:

Al – Qaeda is attacking innocent civilians and they are destroying the country, however at the same time the war has lead to an increase in recruitment by Al-Qaeda.
These problems need the attention of the United Nations and Security Council and we have ideas for how we might solve this problem together:
We encourage that other countries support all resolutions that give aid to help stop the war in Afghanistan that Security Council passes out.

Costa Rica looks forward to respectful and meaningful discussions with our fellow JMUN delegates. We invite you to join us in confronting the world’s challenges with a strong spirit of cooperation.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Issue: War in Afghanistan
Submitted by: Costa Rica

Approving, of the resolution that the Security Council is passing out resolutions to send humanitarian aid to Afghanistan Civilians.
Alarmed by, by the attacks on U.S and U.K air bombardment on innocent civilians also well as bold in the Taliban.
Approves, that NATO nations and the US to set up the International Security Assistance Force to provide military support for a newly- established pro- Western government.
Declaring, that the Assembly as it had in previous years, acted without a vote and adopted a resolution that enveloped issues from the expanding drug trade and terrorist activities of the Taliban and Al- Qaida groups.
Alarmed by, to the daily tragedies that comes from anti –personal landmines and ongoing recruitment of children by the terrorist groups.
Aware of, that in October 2004 barely extends beyond Kabul’s suburbs; warlords have gained back control of most of the country.
Confirms, that the Taliban has enjoyed an upsurge of military success in 2007 – 2008 and several NATO countries have expressed concern about the political viability of the operation.
Acknowledging, Costa Rica as a single country has not promoted any initiative in the Afghanistan War, but has supported all resolutions adopted by the UN General Assembly.
1. Hopes, that most countries could take any action in this issue, and in a way that could help the situation concerning the War in Afghanistan.
2. Calls for, to people to think that thousands of Afghanis are dying because of the terrorist that are killing them with nuclear weapons and how the war is damaging their country.
3. Encourages that other humanitarian help could give money so the Security Council could send Peace Keeping Troops. And send people give people a safe place to live.
4. Suggests, that the Afghani Government could try to finish this war by sending troops to kill Al – Qaida groups that are damaging this country.
5. Confirms that if other countries send humanitarian help they will appreciated.
6. Confident that the UN will accept the resolutions that they pass out concerning the Afghanistan War.
7. Invites the government to try and do something to stop these attacks of the terrorist.
8. Requests that other countries could collaborate with the UN so they can send more humanitarian aid and sending troops to fight these terrorist groups.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Position Paper

ISSUE: Afghanistan War

Afghanistan is located in Asia and it has borders with Iran, Pakistan, Russia, China and Kashmir .The War started in October 07 of 2001 in reaction to the 11 0f September attacks to the twin towers The stated purpose was to capture Osama bin Laden - who, it was believed, was the brains behind the attack on the Twin Towers in New York City and the Pentagon Building near Washington, DC. This war damaged the quarters of Kabul and Herat. The United States and Britain started an aerial bomb campaign in Afghanistan. The country itself largely reverted to the control of the regional warlords who held power before the Taliban. Britain, Canada, and other NATO nations provided forces for various military, peacekeeping, and humanitarian operations. Many other nations also agreed to contribute humanitarian aid. Some researches say the war will end when force of the U.S. attacks commence when political conditions are right and when the forces have enough information to virtually ensure the capture or killing of suspected terrorist leader Osama bin Laden, destruction of his Al Qaeda terror network, and removal of the Taliban, the current rulers of Afghanistan, who have harbored bin Laden and his followers. But nobody knows when the war will end.!!

Costa Rica doesn’t spend much money in military forces it is a peaceful country, the U.S and Costa Rica are allied but the U.S and Costa Rica think different about sending troops to Afghanistan, the U.S spend a lot money in army and troops to send in Afghanistan. U.S. commanders in Afghanistan want more troops. The Marines a preparing to ship as many as 22,000 troops to fight in the southern provinces of Kandahar and Helmand. In March 2002 the Council established the United Nations Assistance Mission for Afghanistan to manage all UN humanitarian, relief, recovery and reconstruction activities. The Taliban has enjoyed an upsurge of military success in 2007-2008 and several NATO countries have expressed concern about the political viability of the operation. . The media have reported on US-UK air bombardment of innocent civilians as well as bold Taliban attacks against US and NATO forces. Other efforts include promoting of good governance and the rule of law, training of police, and the like. But in a land torn by violence, warlordism, drug production and intense suspicion of foreigners. The authority of President Hamid Karzai, victor in the presidential election of October 2004, barely extends beyond Kabul's suburbs, warlords have gained back control of most of the country. Costa Rica as a single country has not promoted any iniciatve regarding the Afghanistan War, but has supported all resolutions adopted by the U.N General Assembally.

Costa Rica as a single country has not promoted any initiative regarding the Afghanistan War, but has supported all resolutions adopted by the U.N General Assembly. The Council also authorized the US and its NATO nations to set up the International Security Assistance Force to provide military support for a newly-established pro-Western government (the United States also continued to run a separate anti-terrorist military operation). Costa Rica does not spend a lot of money in troops or in weapons. Other efforts include promoting good governance, and the rule of law, training of police. The Untied Nations says “Until Afghanistan achieves a lasting and stable peace designed and supported by Afghanis; there can be no prospect of progress, electoral or otherwise. The Assembly, as it had in previous years, acted without a vote and adopted a resolution that enveloped issues from the expanding drug trade and terrorist activities of the Taliban and Al-Qaida groups to the daily tragedies that comes from anti-personnel landmines and ongoing recruitment of children by terrorist groups.

Essay War in Afghanistan

Costa Rica, War in Afghanistan
Costa Rica as a single country has not promoted any initiative regarding the Afghanistan War, but has supported all resolutions adopted by the U.N General Assembly. The Council also authorized the US and its NATO nations to set up the International Security Assistance Force to provide military support for a newly-established pro-Western government (the United States also continued to run a separate anti-terrorist military operation). Costa Rica does not spend a lot of money in troops or in weapons. Other efforts include promoting good governance, and the rule of law, training of police. The Untied Nations says “Until Afghanistan achieves a lasting and stable peace designed and supported by Afghanis; there can be no prospect of progress, electoral or otherwise. The Assembly, as it had in previous years, acted without a vote and adopted a resolution that enveloped issues from the expanding drug trade and terrorist activities of the Taliban and Al-Qaida groups to the daily tragedies that comes from anti-personnel landmines and ongoing recruitment of children by terrorist groups.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Costa Rica, War in Afghanistan

Costa Rica, War in Afghanistan

Costa Rica doesn’t spend much money in military forces it is a peaceful country, the U.S and Costa Rica are allied but the U.S and Costa Rica think different about sending troops to Afghanistan, the U.S spend a lot money in army and troops to send in Afghanistan. U.S. commanders in Afghanistan want more troops. The Marines a preparing to ship as many as 22,000 troops to fight in the southern provinces of Kandahar and Helmand. In March 2002 the Council established the United Nations Assistance Mission for Afghanistan to manage all UN humanitarian, relief, recovery and reconstruction activities. The Taliban has enjoyed an upsurge of military success in 2007-2008 and several NATO countries have expressed concern about the political viability of the operation. . The media have reported on US-UK air bombardment of innocent civilians as well as bold Taliban attacks against US and NATO forces. Other efforts include promoting of good governance and the rule of law, training of police, and the like. But in a land torn by violence, warlordism, drug production and intense suspicion of foreigners. The authority of President Hamid Karzai, victor in the presidential election of October 2004, barely extends beyond Kabul's suburbs, warlords have gained back control of most of the country. Costa Rica as a single country has not promoted any iniciatve regarding the Afghanistan War, but has supported all resolutions adopted by the U.N General Assembally.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

War in Afghanistan

ISSUE: Afghanistan War

Afghanistan is located in Asia and it has borders with Iran, Pakistan, Russia, China and Kashmir .The War started in October 07 of 2001 in reaction to the 11 0f September attacks to the twin towers The stated purpose was to capture Osama bin Laden - who, it was believed, was the brains behind the attack on the Twin Towers in New York City and the Pentagon Building near Washington, DC. This war damaged the quarters of Kabul and Herat. The United States and Britain started an aerial bomb campaign in Afghanistan. The country itself largely reverted to the control of the regional warlords who held power before the Taliban. Britain, Canada, and other NATO nations provided forces for various military, peacekeeping, and humanitarian operations. Many other nations also agreed to contribute humanitarian aid. Some researches say the war will end when force of the U.S. attacks commence when political conditions are right and when the forces have enough information to virtually ensure the capture or killing of suspected terrorist leader Osama bin Laden, destruction of his Al Qaeda terror network, and removal of the Taliban, the current rulers of Afghanistan, who have harbored bin Laden and his followers. But nobody knows when the war will end.!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Persuasive Writing

School has good things and bad things. What we can change of the school is that we could put a tennis court so we could have other activities that we could do also because we could use it to compete with other schools and also we can invite the community to share with us the facilities of the school. That also will give us the chance to prepare tennis players for national tournaments...

STUCO Members could do more Fundraisers and invite business people to cooperate with the school. We also can organize activities at the school with the CIC community in order to save money and invite Companies and Banks to cooperate in the building of the tennis courts. I think we could send a letter to the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Sport, asking them to support the iniciative.

The conclusion is that if the school invites people from the community and national authorities, the idea of building the tennis court could be done in the future. It is possible that we, the current CIC community, are not going to see the tennis court, but future students will have the opportunity to practice the sport at the school.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Technology in Humanities

In Humanities we are creating a blog that we can use, to write about the assignments we are doing in class..... We can also post to our friends and write comments to them... Instead of calling friends to know whats the homework you can just go to your email and click on the link and then all the assignments you have to do, will appear in front of you.... And then you have to send a quik email to let Ms.Thomas... Your friends can also post in your blog so they can give an opinion about your work and how you can improve with it...
I feel really comfortable with this idea because if I forget to do my homework i can just can go to my blog and check the assignments.... And i can stop worrying that i have to call my friends because i forgot my homework!!!!!!.